maintenance payments - money either paid or received under a court order in respect of a previous partner or child.
maisonette - property comprising more than one separate dwelling; used to describe a flat which extends over more than one floor or a flat which, despite there being other units in the building, has its own entrance at street level.
mortgage - loan secured by land.
mortgage deed - legal document establishing a loan on property.
mortgage subsidy - a payment made by an employer to subsidise the cost of interest payments on a home loan. The amount and extent of the subsidy will vary from employer to employer and these can be calculated in a variety of different ways. It is advisable to seek a specific statement from your employer on the operation of the arrangement.
mortgage term - length of time before the mortgage loan must be repaid.
MPI - Mortgage Payment Insurance - Insurance cover to protect your mortgage payments.
mtgs - an abbreviation for mortgage(s)
multipliers (income) - factor applied to a prospective borrower's income to calculate how much can be borrowed. See submenu