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What Does Grade 2 Listed Mean?

At the time of writing, approximately 500,000 buildings in the United Kingdom are protected by listing. Of this number, around 90% fall under the Grade 2 bracket. Many people will wonder "what does Grade 2 listed mean?" and "how does a Grade 2 listed property differ from a Grade 1 listed property?" Both are valid questions, especially as you are more likely to encounter a Grade 2 listed building than any other grading if you are currently looking for properties.

The official definition of Grade 2 is any buildings that are "of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them". Grade 2 listed buildings should not be confused with Grade 2* buildings - the definition of Grade 2* is those that "are particularly important buildings of more than special interest".

The Grade 2 listed rating can apply to a wide range of structures and buildings - of varying ages, styles and locations. If you are not sure as to the exact grading of a property, you can view the National Heritage database - a central database containing details of listed buildings in the United Kingdom.

Here are a few examples of Grade 2 listed buildings in the United Kingdom;

  • Alexandra Palace, London
  • Broomhill Pool, Ipswich
  • Birmingham Back to Backs, Birmingham
  • BT Tower, London
  • Whitechapel Bell Foundry, London

But if you are looking to purchase or renovate a property - what does Grade 2 listed mean to you? Certainly, the restrictions placed on Grade 2 properties can differ, and to this end, it's very important to find out more about a property, and any restrictions on it, before you go ahead with a purchase or any planned works. It's very likely that you will need to apply for building permission if you are planning to demolish, extend or alter a Grade 2 listed building.

Examples of works that may be restricted on Grade 2 listed buildings are; extensions, new windows, roof alterations, exterior cladding or other decorations, the installation of satellite dishes and full or partial demolitions. However, this is not an exhaustive list - your local planning authority is best placed to advise you about any limitations and restrictions that may apply to a specific property.

To avoid any potential problems in the future, it's vital to check the details of a building before you complete a sale or commence with any works.



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